You can put your Email link just below your post but it will be picked up by spam bots and then your inbox will soon be full of thousands of spam messages.It will be a better method of putting it...
First you will have to creat an image out of your email link.For this go to
Follow the steps to make an image out of your email and then download it to your pc.And upload to any free image host site( copy direct image url.
Login to blogger dashboard click on layouts for the blog where you want to add the link.Click on edit HTML.First backup the template by clicking on download full template.And put a check in Expand Widget Template.Scroll down and find the below code
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
Past the code just below <img src="URL OF UPLOADED IMAGE" alt="My email"/>
Replace the URL OF UPLOADED IMAGE by your uploded image url.Preview and Save the template